Ampera believes in the transformative power of training and development services in unlocking the full potential of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). In a world that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, our commitment goes beyond conventional approaches. We understand that customized training and development are not just essential but pivotal in harnessing the unique skills and capabilities of PwDs, ensuring their seamless integration into the workforce.
Ampera Diversity believes in the transformative power of training and development services in unlocking the full potential of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). In a world that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, our commitment goes beyond conventional approaches. We understand that customized training and development are not just essential but pivotal in harnessing the unique skills and capabilities of PwDs, ensuring their seamless integration into the workforce.
'Need Assessment' Modules
Through our comprehensive training modules, Ampera conducts thorough evaluations of the existing knowledge and skills of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). Utilizing self-assessment exercises, problem-solving scenarios, presentations, and interactive skills assessments, we identify and analyze their capabilities.
Tailored Training program
In alignment with organizational requirements, our focus is on equipping organizations to match PwDs, who come from diverse backgrounds, with the specific needs of the workplace.
Training and Counseling for PwDs
Contrary to common misconceptions about the employability of PwDs, their valuable skills and unique abilities are now recognized. Ampera offers specialized training programs and counseling sessions to align their capabilities with organizational needs, ensuring they contribute effectively to the workforce
Career Guidance
Ampera provides targeted career guidance to empower PwDs in making informed decisions that positively impact their lives and enable proactive and productive contributions to organizations.
Technical Support
Our services extend to providing technical support and accommodating needs for visually impaired individuals during screening and interview processes, ensuring a seamless and inclusive experience.
Accessible Platform Solutions
Ampera boasts a team of experts dedicated to closing gaps that may hinder the full potential of PwDs in the workplace. We implement various design and development practices, enhancing accessibility for PwDs across websites, applications, and workplace devices